Rosemary Stamp’s events:
- Leadership Foundation, The Marketing Programme series: Facilitator
- Guardian Higher Education Seminars, International higher education: Distinctiveness and branding: Key note speaker
- University of Warwick, International Programme for Leadership and Management in Higher Education: Module leader, brand strategy
- Institute of Education, MBA in Higher Education Management: Module leader, brand strategy
- Leadership Foundation Governor Development Programme, Marketing and Branding: Key note speaker
- Managing the Demands of Internationalisation conference: Key note speaker
- Leadership Foundation, Scottish Stakeholders’ 3M: Money, Management of Change and Marketing: Key note speaker
- Leadership Foundation, Governor Development Programme: Key note speaker
- Leadership Foundation, Senior Strategic Leadership programme, Brand strategy for competitive positioning: Key note speaker
- The Consumer Financial Education Body: Marketing Skills for Student Money Advisors: Facilitator
- Vitae, Marketing Skills for Research Staff: Facilitator
- CASE Conference, Glasgow: The Practicalities of a Strategic Positioning Project: Key note speaker
- Effective Marketing in Higher Education conference: Key note speaker
- BUILA: British Universities International Liaison Association: Key note speaker
- AUA, National Conference: Specialist seminars facilitator
- AUA, An Introduction to Marketing: Facilitator
- AUA, Regional Conferences: Key note speaker